- Create following network using Packet Tracer simulator
- Configure Router
You can do simple exercise using packet tracer shown go through link to configure Router
How to configure router with packet tracer simulater
- DHCP Server Configuration
You can do simple exercise using packet tracer shown go through link to configure DHCP server
DNS Configuration with Packet Tracer in GUI
- DNS Server Configuration
The most important function of DNS servers is
the translation (resolution) of human-memorable domain names and
hostnames into the corresponding numeric Internet Protocol (IP)
You can do simple exercise using packet tracer shown go through link to configure DNS Server
- HTTP Server Configuration
A web server(http server) is an information technology that processes requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol used to distribute information on the World Wide
You can do simple exercise using packet tracer shown go through link to configure HTTP Server
Web server Configuration with Packet Tracer in GUI
After that you can access the web site in the PC using browser typing ip address
it will helpful to get idea about servers...... :)